Mary River Month continues with a swag of activities right around the catchment as follows: Saturday 29th October 2016 11 am to 4 pm – Waterwatch Volunteers BBQ and Mary… read more →
Mary River Festival 2015 The festival continues to capture the enormous sense relief of six years back when then-federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett vetoed the ill-conceived Traveston Crossing Dam. Mary… read more →
Click on the link to download a full colour version of CodLINE 2015 packed full of articles and news from the Mary River Catchment!! Happy reading from the CodLine team!
The MRCCC has coordinated a Waterwatch Program in the Mary River Catchment for more than a decade. The Waterwatch networks now include the Mary River and tributaries in the Upper… read more →
Reef Program, Grazing Lands (formerly known as Reef Rescue #2) Graziers within the Mary River catchment can now access a new round of Reef Program (Reef Rescue #2) funding. The… read more →