What to do with Moo Poo – Dairy Effluent Best Management Practice
The Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee’s Kath Nash facilitated a partnership with Seqwater and Subtropical Dairy which culminated in an Effluent Management on Dairies Information Exchange on the 21st of July 2021 at the Kandanga Country Club.
The presenters on the day included Scott McDonald from Agriculture Victoria, who is one of the nation’s experts in Dairy Effluent System Design; Tim Odgers, Senior Planner from Seqwater, Ross Warren, Senior Extension Officer from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Kath Nash, Catchment Coordinator from the MRCCC.
The workshop was well received by dairy farmers in the region and our industry partners with over 30 people attending. One of our participants stated;
“It was great to see a good number of dairy producers represented, along with supporting industry people. It was a positive day for the dairy industry, along with Seqwater. We all need to be responsible and be seen to putting measures in place with regard to the management of effluent waste to our immediate surroundings and the long-term management of our waterways.”
If you would like to know more, click here to watch a Zoom recording of Scott McDonald’s presentation ‘Effluent Management on Dairy Farms’ and share with your dairy friends!