One small task for man, one giant leap for frog-kind! It’s lift-off time for the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) as we launch into our annual ‘Find a Frog… read more →
One small task for man, one giant leap for frog-kind! It’s lift-off time for the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) as we launch into our annual ‘Find a Frog… read more →
Frog Finder army Frogs are endearing, non-threatening and relatively easy to observe. Many are key indicators of a healthy environment. Therefore, humans could do well to take an interest in… read more →
Find a Frog in February 2021 has wrapped up for its 5th year. While our frog finders’ records are still trickling in, frog numbers are far below last year’s 7946… read more →
Find a Frog in February – Finished but not Forgotten What an amazing month February was! Seems so long ago now but the experience and information collected by the fabulous… read more →