One small task for man, one giant leap for frog-kind! It’s lift-off time for the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) as we launch into our annual ‘Find a Frog… read more →
Since European settlement, populations of the endangered Mary River cod (Maccullochella mariensis) have plummeted as a result of land clearing and long-term habitat degradation, overfishing, extreme weather, invasive fish species… read more →
Threat level raised for Mary River turtle The federal government recently announced that the Mary River’s “punk” turtle, named for Chris van Wyk’s now famous image of the turtle with… read more →
The Gympie Region Environmental Advocacy Team (GREAT) is hosting the Eco-Connect Environment Forum on Sunday 8 September at the Gympie campus of the University of the Sunshine Coast. This jam-packed… read more →
Grab a cuppa and download the latest issue of Codline – full of articles about the wonderful work happening in the Mary River catchment – cod hollows, using AI to… read more →