One small task for man, one giant leap for frog-kind! It’s lift-off time for the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) as we launch into our annual ‘Find a Frog… read more →
The Gympie Region Environmental Advocacy Team (GREAT) is hosting the Eco-Connect Environment Forum on Sunday 8 September at the Gympie campus of the University of the Sunshine Coast. This jam-packed… read more →
Dates with Mary 2024 Your guide to What’s on in the Mary River catchment. Brought to you by the MRCCC! When What Who Info Sunday 21st April Bymien Picnic Area… read more →
One small task for man, one giant leap for frog-kind! It’s lift-off time for the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) as we launch into our annual ‘Find a Frog… read more →
MRCCC celebrates World Wetlands Day -Thursday 2nd February 2023 Wetlands are land areas that are saturated with water either seasonally or permanently. They can be inland or coastal and include… read more →