Celebrating Citizen Science in the Mary River Catchment since 1992! Packed full of information about the work of the MRCCC over the past year, you can download the Annual Report… read more →
Fantastic weather and the beautiful setting drew crowds of people to the annual Noosa Festival of Water at the Noosa Botanic Gardens and Lake Macdonald on Sunday 24th June. The… read more →
Mary River Month 2016 From Sunday 25th September to Saturday 12th November 2016 Mary River Month includes a wide range of activities, field days, forums, walks and talks throughout the… read more →
Mary River cod facts Scientific Name: Maccullochella mariensis Common Name: Mary River cod Status: EPBC Act (1999): Endangered Distribution: Mary River and tributaries. Habitat: Slow flowing freshwater streams in lowland… read more →
Closed season for ALL FISHING in the Mary River and tributaries upstream of Gympie – 1st August to 31st October Some years back, the number of Mary River cod in… read more →